For me, the most interesting way to describe employee empowerment is to say it’s the antidote for micromanagement. The goal is to stop hovering over your employees’ – remote or in-person – workstations and giving feedback or criticizing every single thing they do. Let them innovate and explore. Perhaps this will lead to them creating a new process that makes work for the entire team more efficient.
Sounds ideal, right? But how do we get there?
To help your employees achieve this mindset and feel the freedom they need to feel to become more bold and autonomous you need to empower them. There are different strategies to do so, some of them quite outdated. Bar those, many modern businesses focus on newer technologies and use interactive videos for enhanced employee engagement.
Empowering your employees should be on the top of your priority list as a company owner. Employees who are capable of making their own decisions and are growing together with the company will stay loyal and productive without requiring huge incentives and benefits.
For you, this means less micromanagement and more time to focus on strategic choices. Every manager will tell you that having a team that can make good decisions on their own is invaluable for any company.