Everything you should know about video sales letters

Written by Sam O’Brien | 13th September 2023
An open e-mail envelope with a video standing for a video sales letter
Say you’re considering investing in a new product or service. Are you more likely to read lengthy blog posts or watch a quick video? If you go for the second option, you’re not alone. Humans are visual creatures and, as such, are drawn to video content. From promotional TikToks to online explainer videos, more and more potential customers consume video content before purchasing.

This is good news for businesses striving to engage customers through creative marketing efforts. The rise of video marketing is a chance to get personal, tell your brand’s story, and make exciting new connections. 91% of businesses already use video as a marketing tool in 2023. If your organization is not among them, it is time to get involved. Specifically, this article focuses on what you need to know about video sales letters.

What are video sales letters?

Let’s keep this simple. A video sales letter (VSL) is your written sales letter but in a video format. Like a traditional sales letter, this is marketing material designed to engage an audience. Sales letters typically outline a problem before explaining how a product or service works as a solution.

For example, a company specializing in cloud security software may introduce a customer pain point: the risk of malware transmission when making remote connections. They would then talk about the features of their product which solve this issue – e.g., strong authentication methods like a VNC safe code. High-quality antivirus software can also be a great solution for this problem, offering real-time protection against malware and other online threats.

A video like this may be more accessible and entertaining than a blog post containing the same information. High-quality videos build trust by establishing brand voice and authority. Embed a VSL on your business homepage or a specific landing page. You could also use a VSL for a social media post, an advertisement, or a marketing email.

Consider uploading your VSL to popular video websites like YouTube or Vimeo to reach a broader audience and increase visibility for your marketing content.
An email icon signifying a closed video sales letter

3 things you need for a video sales letter

Video software

Download a software that lets you easily record, edit, and share various types of video content. With the right tools, you can achieve seamless transitions and high-quality effects without being an expert. Ensure the software you choose is compatible with your company’s operating system.

Filming equipment

While using built-in cameras on your devices is an option, investing in some proper equipment is better. With a good video camera, you can get a better sound and image resolution and generally increase the quality of your VSL.

A well-written script

A good video sales letter is built on an equally engaging script. While writing a script for a video may feel more daunting than writing a traditional sales letter, it is, in many ways, a copywriting task like any other.
To simplify the job, we’ve listed the five components that should be included in a successful VSL. Use these as a starting point, or experiment with AI-powered writing solutions to produce well-structured content for your video.

  • Enticing opening
    Grab the attention of the audience with a compelling hook which makes them want to keep watching.

  • Pain point recognition
    Talk about an issue that your customers might be having. It helps if you know your audience and the market well – you could make buyer personas to get in touch with your customers’ behaviors and desires. You can then connect with the audience on a more emotional level.

  • Deliver a solution
    Emphasize how your product addresses this need and solves problems for your customers. Explain in detail the various features you offer and why they are of benefit.

  • Social proof
    Establish credibility and authority via testimonials and reviews. Talking about real-world examples helps build trust in your brand.

  • Final call to action
    End on a CTA which is clear, persuasive, and leaves no room for misinterpretation. Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a free trial, or following a link to a landing page, make sure it’s obvious what your viewers’ next step should be.
Mr. Explainer standing for a video creator platform for video sales letters

Final advice

Before you get started with your first video sales letter, here are some tips to keep in mind.

Keep it short

Viewers’ attention spans are often short. Stay on topic and to the point – following a template will help. Focusing on getting the critical information across in the first 30 seconds is best.

Know your audience

Have a clear idea of who you’re talking to before the cameras start rolling. Having a target audience in mind makes it easier to connect. A VSL is a chance to be innovative and create content that will resonate with the people most likely to invest in your brand.

Create a budget

Have a clear idea of who you’re talking to before the cameras start rolling. Having a target audience in mind makes it easier to connect. A VSL is a chance to be innovative and create content that will resonate with the people most likely to invest in your brand.

Record multiple takes

It’s best to get as much footage as possible, especially if you have limited experience speaking in front of a camera. Then, you can edit together the best content.

Don’t forget to promote

Take pride in your VSL when it’s finished, and be sure to put it out there. Promote it however you can – whether via social media, email marketing, or embedding it in landing pages where customers are most likely to see it!
A persom recording a video sales letter

Author's Bio

Sam O’Brien is the Vice President of Marketing for RealVNC, leading providers of secure, reliable remote access solutions. He is a growth marketing expert with a product management and design background. Sam has a passion for innovation, growth, and marketing technology.
Here is his LinkedIn.

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