5 Recruitment Automation Techniques for Your Business

Written by Hiral Rana Dholakiya | December 07 2022
Blond haired man in Human Resources with phone facilitating Recruitment Automation.
Let’s face it — whether you’re hiring at scale or looking to add just a few employees to your team, recruitment can be quite challenging in the digital world. For starters, your HR team only has limited hours in a day to post job openings, scout for ideal candidates, and onboard new hires. Plus, companies nowadays are scaling at an exponential rate and the demand for more specific niche roles is increasing. This creates increasing problems with finding the best talent in the market. According to a study by SHRM, 75% of businesses & HR leaders facing recruitment difficulties revealed that there is a shortage of skills in the candidates. With such obstacles, it’s high time for companies to adopt automation technology and have it take the burden of mundane tasks off your HR team. In fact, recruitment automation has already become an essential part of the hiring process for all kinds of businesses. Video recruitment goes a long way in assessing candidates’ interpersonal skills and analyzing whether they could be a good culture-fit within the organization. You can think of few questions that let the candidates express themselves through answers. Have them share a video of their answers to comprehend the context of their answer and effectively evaluate them. Such questions will result in interactive videos that result in productive interview and screening processes. And if you’re facing any of these challenges, it might be time to upgrade your recruitment strategy. In this article, we will dive deep into recruitment automation and discuss five techniques to nail recruitment automation in your business.

What is Recruitment Automation?

Recruitment automation is the use of automation software to support as well as enhance the recruiting workflows, such as sourcing, screening, interviewing, etc. to help elevate recruiters’ productivity and outcome. Put it simply, recruitment automation can significantly improve your HR team’s performance as well as output. Think of recruitment automation as a tool to make your HR team’s job easier and their results better. Now that you know exactly what recruitment automation is, let’s check out the different techniques to start using recruitment automation in your business.

5 Recruitment Automation Techniques to Implement in 2022

Recruitment automation is a powerful way to help your HR team improve their overall hiring process.

Here are the best 5 recruitment automation techniques that are most effective.
Recruitment Automation Meeting

Candidate Sourcing

Sourcing candidates basically means finding qualified candidates who haven’t yet applied to the job openings at your company.

Just like you hunt relevant customers for your business, you need to establish a process to hunt the right candidate for your business. Meaning, just like we have robust customer service solutions, you need to build or opt for a candidate-sourcing solution to find relevant candidates for the job.

The good news is, you can implement recruitment automation from the very beginning of the process. In other words, you can add a recruitment chatbot on the careers page of your website and have it automatically handle all job-related doubts & queries of your potential candidates.

The chatbot can answer all frequently asked questions that your potential candidates might have, which can drastically reduce the burden of answering those questions off your HR team.

In a nutshell, recruitment automation can make it easier to collect candidate data such as name, skills, contact details, qualifications, experience, etc. through a recruitment chatbot.

Candidate Screening

Recruitment technologies have proven to be quite effective & helpful when it comes to candidate pre-screening and screening. This involves ranking candidates based on their skills and pre-qualify them for the job openings at your company. The right recruitment automation tool can record all candidates’ details in the system and automatically qualify or disqualify candidates for the job positions they applied for. Some AI-powered tools have advanced a lot in the last few years and can even combine data with data pulled from candidates’ social profiles such as LinkedIn to determine if the candidate is the right fit for the applied job position or not. For instance, let’s say that you run an eCommerce business in which you’re looking for an ideal candidate to handle your order fulfillment by coordinating with a professional courier services provider. In this case, candidate pre-screening can help to bifurcate candidates with prior experience in this sector and help to reach out to them. Besides this, pre-screening candidates can save your HR team a lot of time and burden from having to interview hundreds of unqualified candidates. In the pre-screening process, you can also use an OIG exclusion database to further filter out candidates and stick with the ones you want to hire.

Candidate Relationship Management

For any company to achieve better recruitment results, it needs to enhance the overall experience for candidates. Now the obvious way to do this is by maintaining good relationships with all potential candidates.

Most recruitment automation software often come with in-built CRM features using which you can keep track of communication with a massive number of potential candidates. Not only that but the software can even automate certain communication and maintain good relationships with best-fit potential candidates.
Recruitment Automation Image.

Application Tracking with Recruitment Automation

When people hear the term “recruitment automation”, they often think about Applicant Tracking System. ATSs are the most common type of recruitment automation software out there. They help recruiters in tracking candidates and their recruitment processes. The best part is, ATSs are capable of automating as well as optimizing the entire recruitment process beginning with candidate sourcing to candidate onboarding and everything in between.

Social Recruiting

Social recruiting is gaining immense popularity these days.

Using social media, you can reach passive, high-quality candidates more easily. Passive candidates are those candidates that aren’t actually looking for new job opportunities. But, because they’re active on social media platforms, you can use leverage to place your employer brand in front of those passive, high-quality candidates.

Moreover, social media is a top place most candidates go to research about a potential employer before applying for a job position. And candidates that actually go through the process of researching employers on social media before applying for a job are likely to be more serious and high-quality candidates than those who don’t.

So, if you’re posting regularly on social media, either text, images, or videos for recruitment, it can definitely help to make a good first impression.

The best part is, even if a candidate has multiple accounts on a single social media platform—for example multiple Facebook accounts, candidate sourcing can still be done with just a single click through the best recruitment automation software.

Furthermore, you can also track from which social media platform each candidate has come and analyze which platform has been most effective.

Successful Recruitment Automation Image.

Recruitment Automation - Summary

So these are the best recruitment automation techniques you can incorporate into your business and improve your recruitment performance.

The only thing you must keep in mind is finding the right tool for your business that perfectly fits your requirements and hiring process. The right tool combined with the above techniques will surely generate significant results.

Author's Bio

Author Icon. Hiral Rana Dholakiya is a Digital Marketing Consultant with over 10 years of experience. She’s passionate about all things Digital & Social Media and has conducted training programs at institutes like GLS University and L.J. Institute of Media & Communications. Hiral also shares her insights and knowledge with the audience of publications like AdWeek, Entrepreneur Magazine, Social Media Today and Social Media Examiner to name a few. You can follow her on Twitter @IamHiralRana.

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