3 steps to improve the dynamics of your hybrid team

Written by Austin Andrukaitis | January 03 2023
hybrid team
As individuals with different personalities, opinions, and backgrounds, collaborating toward a shared goal can be a bit of a hassle. Yet, brands must accommodate the different personalities and align them to accomplish company goals.

That’s where cultivating productive hybrid team dynamics becomes crucial.

Team dynamics describes the relationships and interactions among team members working together towards a shared goal.

The processes involved in the operation of a team and the interactions between members of a group either make for poor team dynamics or improve team dynamics.

A group with positive dynamics has people who trust one another. Therefore, it is critical to promote team cohesion and encourage team members to have better relationships with each other despite their uniqueness.

Want to know how to create such a team? Here are three ways to improve team dynamics for remote and hybrid teams.

1. Design a hybrid team workplace layout

Working remotely is slowly becoming the norm. An Upwork research projects that 36.2 million Americans will work remotely by 2025.

However, if you run a hybrid team or one that may sometimes require office visits (especially for large-scale meetings and projects), you should optimize your workplace layout.

Here are key factors that’ll make your work environment a haven for your hybrid team:

  1. Prioritize simplicity – Simplicity comes with various perks in your office space. One of which is that they make it easy to eliminate distractions, and this will improve your team’s productivity . Another is that it makes key resources and tools easily accessible to your team.

  2. Think communication – Create a workplace layout that allows teams to see and interact with each other as the need arises. You should incorporate break-out rooms and collaborative workspaces.

  3. Create distinctions – Create a workplace layout that clearly distinguishes areas within the space. For instance, work-related areas should be clearly different from break rooms. Break rooms, be they physical or virtual, allows employees to build rapport while being actively involved in their jobs.

  4. Movement should be easy – Ensure that your workplace layout makes it easy for your team members to transition between spaces.

  Finally, your workplace layout should help your team work in a more relaxed and convenient environment that’ll encourage them to implement projects faster. You should consider key details like lighting and ventilation. Also, while keeping your design simple, do not make it too minimalist so that it does not restrict your team members’ creativity.
Working remotely is slowly becoming the norm. An Upwork research projects that 36.2 million Americans will work remotely by 2025. However, if you run a hybrid team or one that may sometimes require office visits (especially for large-scale meetings and projects), you should optimize your workplace layout. Here are key factors that’ll make your work environment a haven for your hybrid team.
  1. Prioritize simplicity – Simplicity comes with various perks in your office space. One of which is that they make it easy to eliminate distractions, and this will improve your team’s productivity. Another is that it makes key resources and tools easily accessible to your team.
  2. Think communication – Create a workplace layout that allows teams to see and interact with each other as the need arises. You should incorporate break-out rooms and collaborative workspaces.
  3. Create distinctions – Create a workplace layout that clearly distinguishes areas within the space. For instance, work-related areas should be clearly different from break rooms. Break rooms, be they physical or virtual, allows employees to build rapport while being actively involved in their jobs.
  4. Movement should be easy – Ensure that your workplace layout makes it easy for your team members to transition between spaces.
  Finally, your workplace layout should help your team work in a more relaxed and convenient environment that’ll encourage them to implement projects faster. You should consider key details like lighting and ventilation. Also, while keeping your design simple, do not make it too minimalist so that it does not restrict your team members’ creativity.
Finally, your workplace layout should help your team work in a more relaxed and convenient environment that’ll encourage them to implement projects faster. You should consider key details like lighting and ventilation. Also, while keeping your design simple, do not make it too minimalist so that it does not restrict your team members’ creativity.
Office space with happy employees because they are in a workplace of innovation

2. Improve your hybrid team culture

Improving your team culture is one way to foster positive team dynamics, which is crucial especially if you want to enhance remote team communication. First, you should establish a common goal that every team member works toward and ensure they understand your corporate vision. Another way to effectively improve team dynamics through a strong work culture is by fostering interpersonal relationships with team members. You can achieve this by initiating valuable conversations with each team member. For example, you can create an open door policy and feedback culture that encourages team members to communicate openly. You may also want to hold regular 1-on-1s with team members. More on communication later. Also, just because some of your team members work remotely doesn’t mean you can’t engage in team building. Try to introduce remote activities like virtual team building. These will foster stronger relationships, leading to better team dynamics. Remember that recognizing your teammates’ efforts and rewarding them accordingly also improves team engagement. Gallup recommends making employee recognition a regular practice. For positive dynamics, you should also encourage recognition among teammates, not just leader-member recognition. Apart from team recognition, proper remuneration for the work done is critical to building a strong work culture. So don’t go below the minimum remuneration and also include some incentives (bonuses and vacation packages) that will encourage your team.

3. Facilitate open discussion with your hybrid team

As a team leader, establishing open lines of communication is paramount for remote and hybrid team dynamics. Therefore, you should encourage and train your team to communicate their thoughts or suggestions freely.

This is essential as not everyone is likely to talk about issues they encounter on the job. For example, some people have poor communication skills. Others may be reluctant or shy and keep their opinions to themselves.

Additionally, showing your teammates that you are genuinely interested in improving the work environment and practices encourages them to communicate easily. Create open lines of communication and ensure all team members are aware of them. As mentioned earlier, creating an open-door policy can also be instrumental.

More importantly, act on the suggestions and feedback shared by your remote team. This will encourage them to communicate more since they will realize their opinions matter. With regard to team meetings, you can adopt hybrid meeting best practices.

But if you have a fully remote workplace, invest in the best software to streamline communication across teams. That means investing in tools like Slack, Zoom, and RingCentral.

In closing

Cultivating positive group dynamics is not something that can be achieved in a day. With different people having different communication styles and coming from different career backgrounds, it requires continuous effort.

In this article, we provided three foolproof steps to improving the team dynamics of remote and hybrid teams. First, design a workplace layout that encourages convenience and productivity. Then improve your team culture by having a corporate vision, initiating valuable conversations, and recognizing team members.

Finally, facilitate open discussion and encourage team members to communicate their concerns. By putting the above steps to use, you’ll be able to create a dynamic team that works together like a close-knit family.

Author's Bio

Austin AndrukaitisEntrepreneur Leadership Network Writer Austin Andrukaitis is the CEO of ChamberofCommerce.com. He’s an experienced digital marketing strategist with many years of experience in creating successful online campaigns. Austin’s approach to developing, optimizing, and delivering web-based technologies has helped businesses achieve higher profit, enhance productivity, and position organizations for accelerated sustained growth.
Austin Andrukaitis
Entrepreneur Leadership Network Writer Austin Andrukaitis is the CEO of ChamberofCommerce.com. He’s an experienced digital marketing strategist with many years of experience in creating successful online campaigns. Austin’s approach to developing, optimizing, and delivering web-based technologies has helped businesses achieve higher profit, enhance productivity, and position organizations for accelerated sustained growth.

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