10 Ways to Use Explainer Videos Efficiently for Your Business

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“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” – Albert Einstein

Einstein hits the nail on the head with his expression.

Speedy typing on the keyboard and the next long, complex mail is ready to be sent to employees and customers.

However, the desired outcome does not appear. This is possibly due to the fact that the key message got lost in the tangle of words. “Simple” is the new black!

10 Ways to Use Explainer Videos Efficiently for Your Business

Following the principle of simple explanation , you can make use of explainer videos to bring your business to the next level by making complex topics simple. Let’s take a look at 10 ways to use videos in your business:


Using specified video content that can be used as a main or asset learning resource makes further training not only multimedial but also scalable. On the didactic side of things videos offer a wide range of benefits. Exemplary introductions into new topics are facilitated while recently acquired knowledge can be summed up in videos as well. Additionally, videos provide the opportunity to be embedded in LMS systems which provides your business with an overview of viewer and click rates.

Internal Communications

Effective, quick and simple – those are the main arguments that explain why using explainer videos for internal communication is a success.

In only a few minutes you can communicate what would take several paragraphs to write. To counteract long, tiring emails, you are now able to bring employees up to speed, often with a more sustainable level of education. The best part? Explainer videos are accessible 24/7 and can be viewed (repeatedly) almost everywhere.

Change Management

Today’s business world is characterized by constant change, reforms and restriction. Therefore, businesses are challenged more than ever to communicate change processes to their employees on time and in a positive manner. On the one hand, this is important to integrate new processes without issues or considerably larger investments. On the other hand, a quick transfer of information is important to counteract anxiety, displeasure or insecurities of employees. Hence, explainer videos are the perfect tool to have at hand. They communicate change management topics in a charming way and create a higher acceptance and realization for employees.

Training & Development

Employees must be supported as well as challenged to keep your business on track, to use trends ideally and to stay in the company as skilled workers. In order to ensure this, you should not miss out on using digital materials including (interactive) explainer videos for training.

Marketing & Sales

Undoubtedly, there is no better way to set your marketing campaign off than through a clever placed video. Such can be shared on social media and makes your customers aware of your product in no time.

Corporate Communication

Image polishing is internal and external. Short company videos provide external polishing of your company’s image and demonstrate strength, creativity and transparency of your business. Show what makes you and your team unique!

Conversion Rate Optimization

Are you wondering how to improve your online presence to increase a customer’s time on your website? Again, explainer videos might just be your new best friend. Studies reveal an exponential growth in time spent on a website if video content is used to support the business.

Customer Service

Is your inbox swamped with emails about product questions? Obviously your carefully prepared FAQ’s aren’t doing the trick to explain your product and its functions. Use the audiovisual benefit and provide product descriptions through short videos to ensure customer success.

Advertise Your Products & Services

Acquiring customers is your number one goal? Videos provide an ideal base to show your product’s and service’s worth. Target your audience with videos adapted to individual needs and create eye catching content that raises interest in your business and products.  

Social Media

Having a presence on social media is the product catalogue 2.0. While Instagram uses pictures and Twitter uses character limits, explainer videos offer the ideal combination: audio is supported by appropriate moving images. This leads to an improved transfer of information and a greater retention rate. Another positive side effect: a video is quick to share and thus reaches a greater amount of viewers and customers.