How effective elearning improves employee training and performance

Written by Hazel Raoult | 28h July 2023
A laptop with a graduation cap on it showing clickable interactive elements symbolizing elearning
Information technology has rapidly transformed the way of imparting employee training in recent years. Gone are the days of on-the-job training that requires physical presence. Instead, recent years saw a rise of eLearning and digital onboarding, which is was driven by Covid-induced lockdown. Because of this, many companies now follow the new norm of corporate eLearning, where workers are offered virtual training rather than in-person one.

Technology enables businesses of all sizes to deliver training with space and time flexibility. Such pliability not only brings about cost savings but also acts as a preventative measure against revenue leakage, making it an attractive mode of employee training.

In this article, we’ll dive into the profound impact of eLearning on employee training and explore how it can optimize overall workforce performance.

Let’s begin!

Provides unmatched accessibility and flexibility

eLearning materials are available anytime, anywhere, making it easy for employees to fit training into their busy schedules. This allows them to engage with their training program at their own pace.

Employees can learn independently, reviewing the material as often as needed.
Availability: With eLearning, training materials can be accessed 24/7. Such all-time availability ensures that employees can choose when to learn, whether during work hours, on weekends, or on the go. This allows employees to manage their work-life balance more effectively and may reciprocate it by giving their best to the business.

The pace of learning: You can offer a self-learning environment to employees with the help of eLearning. Employees can spend as much or as little time to understand a concept without pressure to keep up with others.

Geographical flexibility: Another key factor that favors eLearning is geographical flexibility since employees with an internet connection can access the learning material from anywhere. Remote teams and employees working from home can hugely benefit from eLearning since everyone has the same learning opportunity, regardless of location.
A globe with a graduation cap, symbolizing that you can learn from anywhere

Employee training leverages tailored content

Improving a learning culture within the organization requires providing employees with highly tailored training content since it is easy to edit and deemed scalable (as compared to traditional training). You may design learning modules that address specific needs or skills gaps in the organization or individual learning preferences.

The eLearning approach relies on assessing a learner’s grip over a particular concept in real-time and then dynamically adjusts the next learning segment or practice activity. This is called adaptive learning (more on it below), which helps customize the learning process, adjusting the difficulty level and type of content based on the learner’s progress.
Tailored training: Businesses can create and use eLearning programs tailored to their specific , such as skills-based learning, that can fix a skill gap in a team. Moreover, it also paves the way to creating a module for newly released products to create material that directly meets immediate business needs. The focus is on designing educational content that directly fulfills the organization’s specific needs, ensuring that the training becomes a purposeful and impactful exercise rather than merely a procedural obligation.

Adaptive learning: Many eLearning systems use machine learning algorithms to adapt the content based on the learner’s progress. If an employee struggles with a specific topic, the plan suggests additional resources or exercises to reinforce the knowledge.
A hand tapping on the screen of a tablet containing interactive elements

Drives engagement through interactivity

eLearning can use multimedia, such as training videos, interactive quizzes, and gamification elements.

Such training can make employees feel more included, enhancing training effectiveness and improving their performance. It makes learning more enjoyable and can improve retention and comprehension since it allows learners to interact and collaborate, boosting motivation and deepening understanding.

Here are three common factors that contribute to creating engaging and interactive training:
  • Multimedia: eLearning incorporates multimedia elements like videos, animations, infographics, podcasts, etc. Moreover, research suggests that 65% of people are visual learners, and therefore, integrating interactive media can help present information more engagingly than traditional text-based materials.
    • Interactivity: You can drive employees’ attention and keep them more attentive with eLearning Interactive quizzes, simulations, and games can make learning more enjoyable and engaging. These elements also improve knowledge retention and recall as a byproduct of employee training.
    • Social learning: Features like discussion forums, group projects, and peer reviews can promote employee interaction and collaboration. Such aspects drive deeper understanding and improved problem-solving skills.

    Enables tracking and assessment

    An ideal employee training is one that only engages them but also drives positive performance. Here, eLearning platforms are handy since they typically include analytics and reporting features to track.

    Such features help ensure that the training is effective and allows for adjustments as necessary. Companies can identify areas where employees struggle and provide additional support or training accordingly.
    Progress tracking:

    Provide eLearning opportunities to employees and use analytics features to ​monitor each employee’s progress. This will also provide data on course completion rate, time spent on the course, quiz scores, etc. Moreover, you can use such analytics to identify struggling employees needing additional support or training.


    Instant feedback is another benefit you can leverage when adopting eLearning. For instance, it provides employees with the results of quizzes and other test assessments. This helps employees understand their mistakes and learn from them, which can improve their performance over time.
    A graph arrow indicating progress through elearning

    Continuous learning and development

    In today’s ever-changing corporate climate, fostering a culture of lifelong learning among workers is more important than ever. And therefore, eLearning systems are a game-changer because they provide content materials for lifelong education and professional development. Keeping these channels open for workers can help them keep their skills and knowledge current, even after initial training. Workers may boost their efficiency and output by learning new things and being better at the ones they already know. This serves both their professional development and the company’s overall advancement. The Frontiers report suggests that employees are more likely to be committed to their work and demonstrate higher performance when they see prospects for growth and promotion.

    To further enhance this learning environment, integrating the best ​LXP platforms can provide a more dynamic and interactive approach to eLearning, significantly improving the effectiveness of employee training and development. ELearning can be pivotal to improving training and productivity since it fosters a culture of lifelong learning and career advancement.
    Ongoing learning:
    Design a scalable eLearning course wherein the modules can be updated once the employee clears the training. This will enable employees to continue learning beyond the initial training, helping them gain new skills and knowledge, benefiting their career growth, and contributing positively to the business growth.

    Culture of learning:
    By providing continuous learning opportunities, companies can foster a culture of lifelong learning. This can help keep employees motivated and engaged and ensure their skills remain up-to-date in a rapidly changing business environment.
    Person pointing at a whiteboard with a graduation cap on the right upper corner.

    Wrapping up

    Effective eLearning tactics have transformed corporate training and brought many positive outcomes for companies and their workers. Businesses can experience Improved performance and achieve desired employee output via eLearning.

    With powerful monitoring and evaluation tools, eLearning can pinpoint problem areas and provide targeted remediation. Providing such learning possibilities fosters a culture of lifelong knowledge-sharing and, in turn, helps workers adapt to the dynamic nature of the business world.

    Moreover, consider creating explainer videos, a powerful tool for conveying complex information in an engaging and digestible manner. Short, to-the-point videos can simplify intricate concepts and facilitate a more effective learning experience. They are especially useful in customized training modules, allowing businesses to visually illustrate ideas, workflows, or product functionalities that might otherwise be challenging to make others understand.

    Not sure how you can implement an eLearning approach in your team? Check out our free step for step guide on seamless technology adoption for support.

    Author's Bio

    Picture of author Hazel Raoult
    Hazel Raoult is a freelance marketing writer and works with PRmention. She has 6+ years of experience in writing about business, entrepreneurship, marketing and all things SaaS. Hazel loves to split her time between writing, editing, and hanging out with her family.

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