The Future of Content Marketing: The Importance of Video

The Future of Content Marketing: The Importance of Video in the Digital Landscape 2020

An effective content marketing strategy is one of the best ways to build business visibility, brand voice, attract potential customers, and retain an interested audience. But content marketing is not static. In reality, its landscape is constantly changing. Now it doesn’t look like it did ten years ago, and in the future, it won’t look the same as it does now. However, the video as a medium maintains its rightful place in content marketing. And this tendency will keep growing. 

Content marketing strategy - here is why video is importantVideo is a universal language that everyone understands without exception. Now users have increased possibilities to watch videos. If 10 years ago it was not so accessible, now with the advent of Wi-Fi, not only the audience but also its capabilities have expanded. Another reason for the popularization of video content is the development of mobile platforms as they greatly simplify the consumption of content. And the statistics are eloquent: 87% of online marketers use video content and 85% of US Internet audience prefers video format.


Advantages of Video in Content Marketing

Specialists from Ivory Research are sure that “competent video content is another way to attract subscribers and build an audience around your brand. Choosing the right strategy, you can create an excellent image for your brand on the network.”

  •       Video is a universal seller

Proper communication is the basis of any business. It is mainly realized by people. But human factors can affect its efficiency. People get tired, make mistakes, and so on. And the video is universal and ready to work for your business 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Video is multifunctional and works in all situations.

  •       Video requires less time and effort from a person than text

Modern people are terribly impatient. Most of them are reluctant to study materials about your goods and services. But if you send a 2-3-minute video about your company, the probability it will be seen is much higher.

  •       Video demonstrates

One video is worth a thousand words. It can concisely and succinctly present the activities of your company in all its aspects and directions. Do not expand on how your business works, just show it. This is the right approach to win the attention and trust of the audience.

  •       A video is a cross-platform tool

Video content can be recorded in a wide variety of formats. Moreover, it is also a great opportunity to communicate with the audience on different platforms. You can use your own site, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, thematic sites, and blogs. Just with one video, you can significantly increase audience reach and brand awareness.

  •       Video is affordable

It is a mistaken belief that video content is expensive. Some business giants do spend millions on videos. But you can always make some budget recordings. Besides, you may use platforms like simpleshow video maker to create videos for free. The video marketing system is very flexible. You can start with small investments and gradually increase budgets.

  •       Video boosts credibility

Trust is the basis of every business. Without reliable company branding, low prices and product quality will not bring much benefit. Truthful and original video content will distinguish your brand from competitors.

  •       Google loves video

After acquiring YouTube, Google takes into account video for site rankings. Thus, a site that contains video is 53% more likely to be on the first page of search results.


There are plenty of video formats that you can use in your content marketing strategyVariety of Video Formats

It is not enough to just create any video. You need to ensure that your video has marketing value. So use the latest video formats and techniques to stay competitive.

  •       Explainer video

This video form is most often used by startup founders and application developers. This is a short commercial in which the company talks about itself and how its product/service can help the viewer in solving his problems. That is, it provides a maximum of information for making a purchase decision. In simple words, the explainer video clearly answers the questions “What?” and “For what?” within a few minutes. A 2-minute video will be watched by 77% of the viewers.

  •       Tutorial video

Tutorials are similar to explainer videos, but they usually consist of a few recordings. This type of video does not show how to use a product or service. Its main purpose is to teach or educate. In other words, it is a video lesson. You can often see guides for the B2B sector. For example, an SEO company offers a video tutorial on marketing activities, sharing their skills with others.

  •       Testimonials

Our purchasing decisions are often based on the feedback of other users that they leave online. Testimonials are a good instrument to convince new customers and form opinions about your business. 90% of the customers are influenced by positive reviews. They can favourably distinguish you from competitors. Reviews and comments will add more loyalty to your product or service.

  •       The video blog (vlog)

Vlog has recently become a very popular form of online video content. Video blogs created by companies are aimed mainly at direct sales. And individual vloggers use this video format to earn on advertising by placing it in their content. There are many places to post videos, but the most popular is YouTube.

  •       Animation

This is a video style rather than a separate type.  It is often used in presentation videos, training, and promotional materials. Animation provides an interesting and simple way to tell a story and show a complex process (which is impossible or difficult to understand from the text). The simpleshow video maker platform offers an exclusive tool to illustrate any content for better informativeness.

  •       Webinar

In short, a webinar is a live lecture or seminar. This form of communication has many advantages. One of them is the opportunity to develop brand awareness, train, and create a form of interaction with the user. Webinars are good for answering users’ questions in live chat. Besides, they provide an ideal opportunity to collect information about the target audience.

  •       Viral video

A viral video is any video that has become popular being transmitted from one user to another via the Internet. The ideal duration of a viral video is from 15 seconds to 5 minutes. It has an entertaining character. Fun and interesting videos can go viral and spread quickly on social media. And this effect is precious to most companies. Positive buzz increases the audience and helps the brand to be remembered.

Viral videoAmong all strategies of content marketing, video is the most progressive way to reach out to the audience and convey the necessary information. The correct video format can take your brand to an entirely new level. Videos offer consumers content that can be quickly and easily assimilated through a large number of channels. The video will explain your advantages and will help keep in touch with your audience. Experts are convinced that video will leave behind all other channels for information spread. The forecasts state that by 2022, 82% of consumer Internet traffic will come from videos. It is the content marketing of the future.

Author’s Bio

Leslie Anglesey is a freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories about economical and social situation in the world.