Translate videos into 20 languages with just one click

<span class="excerpt_part">, <strong>and</strong> you’re done. Not only will your video be instantly translated, so will your voice! (We’ll talk more about that in just a moment!) Sounds too good to be...</span>

Nurturing a culture of innovation in the workplace

<span class="excerpt_part">Fostering a culture of innovation is easier said than done. It requires a deliberate <strong>and</strong> concerted effort from leaders <strong>and</strong> employees alike. Let’s explore the importance of nurturing a culture...</span>

Give your videos more context with our animated backgrounds

<span class="excerpt_part">The background of your simpleshow gives you the option to peresonalize your message <strong>and</strong> appearance of your video. Now, with our new <strong>and</strong> improved background animations, you can take your...</span>