University of Alabama: Empowering safety through video

<span class="excerpt_part">...which were successfully shared <strong>through</strong> email, social media, <strong>and</strong> YouTube. The videos were so well received, the SafeState Program now uses them as the go-to communication tool <strong>for</strong> educational content....</span>

Dexcom: Transformative program launch using explainer videos

<span class="excerpt_part">Dexcom implemented a great Supplier Diversity Program that was designed to promote the inclusion of diverse businesses in the procurement process. Unfortunately, a lack of awareness <strong>and</strong> general understanding of...</span>

Eastman Chemical: Microlearning videos reshape safety education

<span class="excerpt_part">...a new video communication strategy. Creating easily shareable <strong>and</strong> thought-provoking videos has allowed them to simplify safety information in a way that is easily understood, <strong>and</strong> makes training more efficient....</span>

How to connect with your audience through simple communication

<span class="excerpt_part">...powerful tool <strong>for</strong> simplifying complex ideas. By breaking them down into easily digestible pieces <strong>through</strong> a combination of visual <strong>and</strong> auditory elements, you can ensure that your audience remains engaged....</span>