Using Videos In Customer Success Management
Customer success management is all about making sure that customers/clients achieve their desired outcomes using your product or service. This requires a rather unique mentoring relationship – to guide customers and to make them feel valued and supported. If customers are successful they will continue to do business with you.
To ensure their success you need to be well informed as to when, why, and how your customers use your product/service so that you can guarantee, as far as possible, that they will always be able to use it successfully!
Effective customer success management is needed to retain your customers! Customer success management is proactive rather than reactive – it does not overlook opportunities to communicate with your customers how important their success is to you.
Consequently, effective customer success management requires a thorough understanding of the customer’s experience in order to improve it. Only when you place yourself in their shoes can you truly focus on the success of the customer.
But what does your customer want or need? Thorough research must be done to ascertain this. Problems can be identified by collecting as much data as possible about the customer. This is used to analyze and to make the customer’s experience pleasant and successful by means of effective communication and support.
Videos can be used very effectively to support customers and to stay in touch with them, provided that the videos are truly helpful tools that the customers really need!
Why use video?

Use the right videos as part of your customer success management strategy and you will undoubtedly increase customer loyalty. Videos that are simple and engaging can be used very effectively to enhance customer success.
It is an easy-to-use medium that gives quick, yet detailed, updates/information. For example, a video can show off new product features and explain them simultaneously – this makes it a faster and easier way to communicate what a new product or upgrade is all about.
In the twenty-first century, the vast majority of people would rather learn about a product or service via an explainer video. People prefer short explainer videos to detailed wordy explanations. The audio-visual nature of explainer videos makes it quicker to take in and easier to understand.
Apart from the fact that explainer videos share information that can be quickly digested, consumers are also very likely to share videos and send large videos that were useful to them – thereby generating more leads for your business!
Moreover, when people search online to find solutions to problems they tend to choose short video explanations as opposed to texts of information. Be a step ahead of your customers and provide them with answers even before they have a question. Also, post videos on the right platforms so that when customers are doing online searches they will easily come across your informative videos!
Video ideas:
Customer reviews and feedback are vital in improving your service/product. They can be a good starting point to guide you with regard to the sort of information that would truly be useful and helpful to your customers. In the long run, this all contributes to customer success management!
So, what sort of videos can be used to support customers?
1. videos that advise customers in their decision making
2. new users with a short explainer video that informs how to get the best out of your product/service
3. videos that take regular customers further – to get more out of a product/service
4. videos that introduce loyal customers to the next step – a product/service that they will enjoy even more
5. customers with specific training videos
6. videos that share exciting news with your customers (e.g. a new product launch; a new service; moving to a new location, etc.)
7. videos that share important updates
8. videos that answer FAQ’s in the form of short explainer videos
Customer success management creates loyal customers. With the use of videos, you can communicate to customers how your company will serve them well and provide them with necessary updates and guidance, and thereby increase customer retention.