It's super important to communicate your corporate social responsibility strategy well

How to communicate your corporate social responsibility strategy, using video

It's super important to communicate your corporate social responsibility strategy wellToday, more than any other time in history, companies want to integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations. No longer is it only profit that drives large corporations. They want to give more back to society – more than just the product or service that they have to offer. The responsibility of large corporations reaches beyond that of executives and shareholders – there is a social responsibility too.
Corporate social responsibility traditionally involves environmental, philanthropic, ethical, and economic responsibility. For example, a company may invest in environmentally-conscious organizations, engage in volunteer work, aim to improve labor policies or purchase fair trade products.

As more companies embrace corporate social responsibility initiatives, the greater the need to communicate these strategies effectively. Sharing the aims and achievements of corporate social responsibility allows consumers to better know the company behind the products that they buy.

But how does one share corporate social responsibility effectively? How can a company effectively communicate its profit-people-planet strategies? Through video!

Videos make communication much more dynamic! Videos also have the magic ability to immediately capture an audience’s attention. It is simply up to you to keep their attention to share your message effectively. One of the key requirements to keep viewers’ attention is to keep videos short. Another is to keep your messages simple. But let’s start with preparing for video communication…

Where to start your Corporate Social Responsibility Journey

Now your copanies values.Before you can prepare any form of communication you need to understand where your social responsibility endeavors fit into your company culture. Communicating this effectively can add value to your organization. However, only if you have things clear in your mind can you communicate corporate social responsibility effectively.

In addition, before setting out to create any video that aims to communicate corporate social responsibility, make sure that you understand which social and environmental issues your stakeholders may prioritize. Your video communication needs to convey that you share their concerns and meet their needs in your strategy.

The inclusion of social and environmental data may also be relevant information to communicate. So, before making any video, liaise with those in your team who are responsible for collecting and analyzing data. The inclusion of interesting and captivating information in the video is important, but be sure to have the facts right!

More inclusions

It is important to communicate the causes that your company supports but also communicate the motives behind your choices. Point out how the company supports specific issues. In addition, emphasis on the relevance to stakeholders.

Communicate how the endeavors of your company make a difference. Moreover, give your viewers a sense of trust by being transparent about your company’s social responsibility activities. So, share successes and failures, but always remain optimistic about your endeavors. Share visions, strategies, and results. Use data to back up results with evidence.

Do not come across as arrogant or self-important or invincible. Communicate the facts simply and clearly. And, remember to keep the video short and interesting!

Corporate Social Responsibility: Where to share?

Why not share your corporate social responsibility strategy on social media.There are several ways to communicate corporate social responsibility strategies and initiatives. Show on your website what your strategy is, write blogs about your company’s corporate social responsibility, share information through webinars, and engage customers, stakeholders as well as other interest groups via social media channels.

When it comes specifically to the sharing of videos, ensure that you use various avenues. For example, post them on your landing page, or elsewhere on your website. Insert them in a blog. Share them on social media. When meeting with stakeholders, employees, or other interest groups, show the video material as part of your presentation – share videos about corporate social responsibility activities, aims, achievements, etc…..

Ongoing Video Creation

Communicating corporate social responsibility should never stagnate. If it is really meaningful, it is ongoing and proactive. There should always be something new to share. So, make sure that you have video creation strategies in place to easily communicate new developments and to give result updates to interested parties. Simpleshow’s video creation tool is perfect for creating videos that will keep your stakeholders in the loop!

Whether your company engages in charity work, endeavors to reduce its carbon footprint, or invests in children’s hospitals, your corporate social responsibility strategy and initiatives need to be communicated effectively. If you can effectively communicate how you can better serve society as a whole you will, at the same time, enhance the company’s public image.