NEW: Content to video made easy with the Simplifier

Written by Tim Moss | 6th March 2024
The world is complex. However, complexity can be frustrating and costly, especially in business communication. According to a study, complexity can increase operating costs by up to 63% and reduce productivity by 10%*.
At simpleshow, our mission is to simplify the world. We believe simplicity is the key to successful communication and that video is the best medium to convey your message. For years, we’ve been helping the best-known companies create explainer videos that make complex topics easy to understand.
And now, our latest innovation, the Simplifier, takes it even further!
The Simplifier is a new feature on the simpleshow platform that helps you effortlessly transform any video, document or text into a short and compelling video that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.
Let’s explore how you can simplify content types such as long PowerPoint presentations, boring sales reports, complicated graphics, and lengthy meetings to help you achieve your business communication goals.
Are you ready to simplify your business communication? Let’s get started!

Instantly turn complexity into simplicity

Organizations are often faced with large volumes of complex content from multiple sources, channels, and formats. This can be overwhelming for employees, customers, or stakeholders, who may struggle to filter, prioritize, and digest the relevant information.
Long reports, manuals, contracts, or proposals that contain dense, technical, or jargon-filled language – these types of documents can be difficult to read, understand, and remember, especially for people who are not familiar with the subject matter. Organizations need to find ways to simplify, summarize, and visualize their complex content to make it more accessible, engaging, and effective for their audiences.
The Simplifier allows you to upload and convert diverse content types into videos. These are the benefits:
  • It saves time and effort, as you do not have to write the video script from scratch. You can simply upload your existing content and let the Simplifier do the work.
  • It improves communication effectiveness, simplifying complex information and making it easier to understand and remember. It helps your audience focus on the most important and relevant points of your message.
  • It supports various content types, such as PowerPoint presentations, PDF reports, MP4/MP3 recordings, DOCX manuals, or images. It can handle any language as long as it matches the project language.
At simpleshow, we value simplicity above all else. Here’s how the Simplifier works:
1. Create a new video project on the dashboard and select the Simplifier tile.
2. Upload your file or paste your text. You can use any format and language as long as it matches the project language.
3. The Simplifier will analyze the input and generate the script. You can review and edit the script as you like. You can also change the tone and length of the video by adjusting the settings on the left.
4. Select an illustration style and see your text with images. You can choose from different styles and colors to suit your preferences. You can also preview the video by clicking on the play button at the bottom.

How the Simplifier streamlines communication within the organization

Effective communication is critical to your success. Whether you are introducing a new product, presenting sales reports, sharing insights from meetings, delivering training content, or communicating project updates, how you deliver information can make all the difference. Traditional methods such as presentations, reports, and handbooks are informative but not necessarily engaging, and they aren’t likely to spark emotion in the reader. You can achieve this by transforming static content into dynamic video.
One of the greatest benefits of video is that it is highly shareable. In fact, the view-to-share ratio for videos is 236% higher than for other types of documents. This means that your message is more likely to spread and reach a wider audience. So if you want to increase engagement, build brand awareness, or simply communicate your ideas more effectively, video is a great way to achieve your goals.
Let’s explore how Simplifier can enhance your communications in a variety of scenarios:

Product demonstrations

Imagine you have a PowerPoint presentation that showcases your company’s new product. It has all the details about the features, benefits, and pricing of the product. You want to share this presentation with your potential customers, but you also want to make it more engaging and emotional.
Simply upload your presentation to the Simplifier, and it will automatically extract the key information and turn it into a compelling video that illustrates your product and its value. The video informs your customers and inspires them to buy your product.
A video can help you communicate your product’s value proposition, competitive advantage, and call to action more effectively than a presentation.

Sales reports

You have a sales report in PDF format that you need to present to your team. It has all the data and statistics about your sales performance, goals, and challenges. You want to present this report to your team, but you also want to make it more exciting.
Just upload your report to the Simplifier, and it will automatically extract the most relevant information and turn it into an engaging video that visualizes your data and highlights your achievements. Turning the report into a video is a great way to inform and motivate your team to improve their sales.
A video can help you communicate your sales goals, challenges, and strategies more clearly than a report.


You recently hosted a virtual meeting on digital marketing and recorded the entire event as an MP4 video. Or you recorded a voice memo on your phone. It has all the information and insights about your digital marketing strategy, tactics, and results. You want to share this recording with your team, but you also want to make it more concise and convenient.
Simply upload your recording to the Simplifier and it will automatically transcribe the speech, extract the key messages, and turn them into a short and engaging video that illustrates your digital marketing concepts and results. In minutes, you have a video that keeps your team informed and is easy to watch and share on any device. Your team will be up-to-date, even if they can’t make the meeting or just need a refresher.
Video can also help you communicate your concepts, findings, and best practices in a more engaging way than a long recording.

Training content

You have a lengthy employee training manual in Word format that you need to deliver to your team. It has all the information and instructions about your company’s policies, procedures, and best practices. You are required to send the file, but additionally, you want to give them something more digestible.
Just upload your manual to the Simplifier, and it will automatically extract the most essential information and turn it into a visually appealing video demonstrating your company’s policies, culture, and values. Your video supplements the manual and improves your team’s retention and understanding.
A video can help you communicate your company’s culture and values more effectively than a manual.

Project communication

You have an image representing a complicated workflow or a graph visualizing a trend. Maybe you took a quick picture of the whiteboard full of notes after a meeting. It has all the information and ideas about your project, process, or problem. You want to share this image with your team, but you also want to make it more clear and compelling.
Just upload your image to the Simplifier, and it will automatically recognize the text, extract the main points, and turn them into a video that explains your workflow or graph with the help of storytelling. You can easily simplify your processes or project challenges with your video.
A video can help you communicate your workflow or graph more visually and compellingly than an image.
Do you want to see the Simplifier in Action?
Watch our feature premiere on demand and learn how to turn lengthy documents, videos, images, and more into engaging and concise videos.
*Pastore, R. (2020, November 5). The actual cost of complexity.

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