simpleshow has successfully completed a SOC 2 assessment. The SOC 2 examination is a process in which an independent auditor reviews a company’s security controls, processes, and policies to ensure that they meet the standards set by the AICPA. The auditor assesses the company’s ability to protect sensitive data, maintain the integrity of its systems, and ensure the availability of its services to customers.

simpleshow understands the importance of data privacy and security and takes it very seriously. However, simpleshow considers this report to be confidential, and, as such, a signed non-disclosure agreement will be required before the reports are released to the requestor.

You can access a Confirmation of Audit Letter from A-LIGN, an independent CPA firm and trusted third-party assessor, to see the results of the examination.

To obtain a copy of the simpleshow SOC reports, please do the following:
    1. Download a copy of the Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA)
    2. Have the individual designated as the primary contact person for the client complete and sign the bottom-right section of the NDA form
    3. Send the signed and completed NDA to for review and countersignature.
    4. Once the NDA has been verified and countersigned, an email will be sent to the primary contact person to confirm where simpleshow will send the SOC report.

If you experience issues during this process, please contact for assistance