Top 10 eLearning Statistics For 2020 You Need To Know
Success In eLearning
eLearning is one of the most discussed topics in the educational landscape right now. That’s why we have gathered the top 10 eLearning statistics that will give you a fresh perspective on this exciting topic.
Although eLearning online is currently an in-demand educational alternative, a lot of students still have qualms with regards to their success after finishing their online course.

As a matter of fact, what these people don’t realize is that achieving an eLearning education degree opens the doors to many opportunities that allow them to compete with graduates of traditional on-campus education for jobs or careers on equal footing.
However, there are still a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to ensuring success with an online education degree. Here are five ways that can help you guarantee this success:
The choice of Straight Accredited College or University
When pursuing an online learning experience, the important first step is to choose the most appropriate institution for your education degree.
Before enrolling just anywhere, make sure to do the necessary research and check the background of all the institutions that you’re considering. It is important to find out whether or not your school of choice is accredited by the appropriate and authorized accreditation bodies.
This is because without this, the education level of approval will be worthless to you and your goals. Be wary of schools that promise quick degrees but are in reality not worth the paper they’re printed on.
Weigh Costs Versus Benefits
There are a lot of people who do not pay enough attention to this. The fact of the matter is, usually, the cost per credit per hour can be rather steep. However, it is worth the benefits that you can reap afterward.
eLearning online courses can lead you down a path towards more income opportunities. Evaluating the actual advantages will students be able to appreciate the experience of completing an online course.
Degree Validation
It is important that your degree is validated by employers. A lot of them are unfortunately skeptical about online degrees, especially since fake institutions are rampant nowadays. They literally sell degrees and this only means that people can pretend to have gained the skills and knowledge necessary to accomplish a function or job.
Put potential employers at ease by verifying your online degree at an accreditation agency of the U.S. Department of Education.

Discipline, Determination and Time Management
The majority of the work involved in online learning is self-initiated or independently accomplished. Failure in eLearning is mostly associated with the students’ lack of discipline, determination, and time management skills. Admittedly, it is very easy to lose focus when there’s no one to supervise the learning experience.
This is why it is important to possess these three qualities in order to complete the online course successfully.
Make Use of Educational Technologies Available
Unfortunately, the only way to get an online degree is if you have access to the technology necessary to take part in it. It is important that you can use this high-quality technology because if not, then you’re just wasting your time.
It would be a better idea to go with on-campus education. Be sure to take advantage of all educational technologies that are available to you such as your social media presence in getting an MBA application or other courses online, virtual libraries and other online materials and resources that can assist you in your endeavors.
With all the significant factors that accentuate the hidden values in eLearning, below are the top 10 eLearning statistics for 2020 that can help achieve successful virtual education:
1. The massive open online course (MOOC) market could be worth $25.33 billion by 2025.
(Source: Globe News Wire)
According to eLearning statistics, the MOOC market is currently worth $5.16 billion. It is projected to grow at an annual rate of 32.09% until 2025.
2. The US eLearning market could grow by $12.81 billion between 2020 and 2024.
(Source: Businesswire)
Forty-five percent of elementary school students make use of at least one digital learning tool daily. About 63 percent of American high school students incorporate digital learning tools every day.
A good percentage of American undergraduates (39 percent) and graduates (52 percent) consider online learning better than classroom learning. Hence, there is a growing importance for eLearning in the US.

3. Mobile learning could grow to reach $78.5 billion worldwide by 2025.
(Source: Globe News Wire)
The eLearning market has sustained an average steady growth rate of over 23 percent over the past years.
Five years ago it was worth just $7.98 billion. Numbers at the end of 2019 had risen to $27.32 billion. Many experts foresee that the mobile eLearning market will increase to $37.6 billion when 2020 ends
4. Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are key trends that could drive the eLearning sector forward in the next couple of years.
Mobile eLearning and its other forms are considered to be very vital in today’s higher education. However, one of the mobile eLearning statistics trends indicates that with AR/VR, developers can take it a step further.
5. The corporate eLearning market could increase by $38.09 billion between 2020 and 2024.
(Source: Business Wire)
According to eLearning statistics, over the years, corporate eLearning has offered companies and businesses with the appropriate methods to improve one’s learning requirements from traditional classroom training (which is quite expensive). The market for corporate eLearning is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11% between 2020-2024.

6. Corporate eLearning takes 40% to 60% less time to complete when compared to traditional learning.
(Source: eLearning Industry)
On average, only 1% of work-week is given to development and training in the workplace. Hence, there is a need for employees and companies to utilize training time, while also achieving the best possible results.
7. The worldwide eLearning market is projected to be worth $325 Billion in 2025.
(Source: Forbes)
Another interesting area regarding eLearning statistics – in the whole of 2014, the corresponding figures were $165.36 billion – which means the market will have nearly twice in size in the next 10 years.
8. In 2017, approximately 77% of US corporations used online learning.
(Sources: Small Biz Trends)
However, 98% planned to incorporate it into their program by 2020. For comparison, stats on online education represent this number was only 4% in 1995. Organizations have been swift to acknowledge the advantages of eLearning and have embraced the trend tremendously.
9. In 2017, 67% of US companies offered learning opportunities via smartphones.
(Source: eLogic Learning)
These days, almost everyone owns a smartphone with plenty of apps that reinforce mobile learning.
10. eLearning increases learning retention rates by between 25% and 60%.
(Source: b2wgroup )
eLearning statistics are quite clear:
Digital learning technology is there to help students – whenever they happen to need it. Simply put, many individuals all over the world have opted for eLearning. The Internet has made it all possible, and higher education through distance learning begins with just a few clicks on your mobile device.
Author’s Bio

Emma Williams is a young business development specialist, having experience working with startups. She enjoys diving into new aspects of life, learning as much as possible. She believes that AI, VR/AR, and blockchain technologies are the future of business and education and spends a lot of time monitoring the latest news of a tech world.