How to level up your internal training with online explainer videos

Written by Imed Bouchrika | 10th June 2024
man sitting on computer
Living in a fast-paced world means dealing with fleeting attention spans and information overload. Yet, amidst this chaos, one medium stands out for its ability to captivate and educate — videos. From engaging explainer videos to immersive training modules, videos have emerged as the foundation of contemporary learning.
Online explainer videos offer a dynamic and interactive way to absorb knowledge. These videos convey complex ideas in a concise and visually stimulating format to transform how we learn, work, and interact. They also go beyond traditional barriers to reach learners of all ages and backgrounds and empower individuals to unlock their full potential.
In this article, we will uncover the transformative power of videos in corporate training and provide useful tips for maximizing their use for better learning and business results.
hand holding a video

What are online explainer videos?

Online explainer videos simplify complex topics. These videos use visuals, animations, and clear narration that make them more accessible and understandable for viewers. By using online explainer videos, complex concepts are broken into manageable pieces for improved comprehension and learning.
What makes online explainer videos unique is their dynamic and interactive nature. This captivates viewers’ attention and maintains engagement throughout the content. Often created through video editing tools or training solutions, these videos ensure that your message is not only seen but also remembered. Online explainer videos enhance learning experiences and keep learners focused on the presented information through eye-catching graphics and compelling storytelling.
Considering the characteristics of explainer videos mentioned above, it can enable better information retention than traditional text-based methods. After all, these videos appeal to multiple senses through visuals, audio, and narration, so learners retain key concepts more effectively and for longer periods.
Moreover, online explainer videos offer flexibility in learning. These videos allow learners to access the content at their own pace and convenience. Whether they prefer to watch the videos on their desktop, tablet, or mobile device, learners can engage with the material whenever and wherever they choose.
This format also enables students to interact with the material at their own pace. They can simply pause, rewind, or revisit video video sections as needed.
With this said, it is not surprising that explainer videos are one of the leading types of videos used for online content, with 45% of global marketers utilizing them. Here are some examples of currently available types of online explainer videos:
  • 2D Explainer Videos. These videos are versatile and suitable for a wide range of subjects.
  • 3D Explainer Videos. These videos are crafted in 3D spaces to offer a unique and creative experience.
  • Motion Graphics Explainer Videos. These videos use statistics, charts, text, and images to display data visually.
  • Infographic Explainer Videos. These videos present data in a visually appealing and easy-to-absorb manner.
  • Screencast Explainer Videos. These videos record computer screen activity, which is ideal for showcasing tutorials.
  • Whiteboard Animation Explainer Videos. These videos feature drawings accompanied by a voice-over.
  • Kinetic Typography Explainer Videos. These videos are animated text synchronized with audio.
  • Live-Action Explainer Videos. These videos showcase products or services in action.
  • Character-Animated Explainer Videos. These videos use animated characters to deliver messages.
  • AI Explainer Videos. These videos use artificial intelligence to create scalable videos.
putting a puzzle together

How to Craft Effective Online Explainer Videos for Internal Training Success

Forget about traditional instructor-led training sessions — online explainer videos are just as effective and can be a time-efficient and resource-saving alternative. After all, you only need to create them once, and you can utilize them repeatedly.
These videos provide clear, visual explanations of procedures and processes. And with that, online explainer videos significantly reduce the number of support queries and increase efficiency and cost savings.
When you enhance learning development with video, you enhance learning development and facilitate the improved adoption and application of training content. Online explainer videos also ensure consistency in information dissemination and maintain quality standards across the organization.
Below are some practical tips you can use to develop online explainer videos for internal training excellence:

Choose the Right Format

One way to guarantee engagement and comprehension among your audience is by selecting the right format for online explainer videos. As different formats may work better across various devices and platforms, it is important to factor in compatibility and accessibility.
Besides that, you can create compelling and impactful explainer videos in their optimal format when you consider the following:
  • File Size and Quality. Consider the trade-off between higher definition quality and larger file sizes when choosing formats like MOV or WMV. Viewers want smooth streaming and visual clarity, so opt to achieve that balance.
  • Retention. Choose visually engaging formats that tell a story. These formats are concise and keep viewers engaged for extended periods. Opt for formats like animations or screencasts to simplify complex processes visually. You should also align your chosen format with your training content to enhance information retention and effectiveness.
  • Engagement and Attention. Different formats cater to various preferences. For instance, whiteboard animation may help tackle complex topics while live-action demonstrations are better for physical tasks. Tailor the format to maintain viewer engagement and attention throughout the video.
  • Topic Suitability. Certain formats are better suited for specific topics. For example, you can use whiteboard animation for abstract concepts or live-action for product demonstrations. Selecting formats that align with the content to convey the message to your audience effectively.

Tailor Content to Your Audience

Creating good online explainer videos is one thing, but creating videos that deliver maximum impact is an entirely different story. One of the best ways to execute this is by tailoring your content to your audience.
Audience-specific content ensures relevance and motivation. By incorporating these into your content, you can directly address the audience’s needs and interests and keep them engaged throughout the training.
When you consider the audience’s existing knowledge levels, you can adjust the complexity of the content of online explainer videos. This way, you can avoid overwhelming or boring them. By adapting the communication strategy through video to match the audience’s preferences, you can boost engagement and reinforce understanding.
Tailoring content to your audience also means accommodating various learning styles. They can be visuals for visual learners and clear narration for auditory learners. When you adjust accordingly, everyone can follow along on online explainer videos effectively. When you tailor content to your audience, you create explainer videos that resonate with them.
Here are some guidelines you can follow when customizing content for your audience in online explainer videos:
  • Clearly explain how the information benefits specific roles.
  • Identify the demographics and preferences of your target audience.
  • Define objectives clearly and ensure the content aligns with them.
  • Use real-world examples and address common pain points to enhance relevance.
  • Assess prior knowledge to determine the appropriate level of detail.
  • Select a presenter who is knowledgeable and passionate about the topic.

Incorporate Interactive Elements

Integrating interactive elements significantly improves the learning experience using online explainer videos. With interactive features, learners are actively involved and engaged in the material.
Interaction also allows learners to apply concepts in real time. When you add interactive elements to your online explainer videos, you facilitate active participation. In doing so, information moves from short-term to long-term memory; this ultimately enhances retention and comprehension.
Here are tips to transform explainer videos into versatile training tools that suit various learning styles and preferences.
  • Use quizzes or assessments to test understanding and engagement.
  • Incorporate clickable hotspots for additional information and resource access.
  • Include interactive transcripts for easy navigation and review.
  • Create branching scenarios for realistic decision-making practice.
  • Personalize the learning experience for individual engagement.
  • Add gamification elements like rewards for motivation.
  • Demonstrate real-world applications for practical learning.

Collaborate with Experts

Maximizing internal training effectiveness extends beyond just utilizing HR systems. You can also partner with professionals in video production and instructional design for your online explainer videos. These experts bring valuable skills and knowledge to help you create high-quality and effective videos. They can also assist you in creating engaging videos, defining clear learning objectives, and organizing content for the best results.
Consider working with subject matter experts to improve the quality of your explainer videos. They can help simplify complex topics and provide real-world examples so your video becomes accurate and credible.
Here’s how to effectively collaborate with experts when crafting explainer videos for internal training:
Before Collaboration
  • Choose someone with deep subject matter expertise and strong communication skills.
  • Define the learning objectives of the video to guide the expert effectively.
  • Develop a preliminary script outlining the key points for discussion.
During Collaboration
  • Structure focused meetings to discuss objectives and refine content.
  • Pay attention to the expert’s insights and clarify any doubts.
  • Work together to make the content clear and engaging.
After Collaboration
  • Create a summary document outlining agreed-upon content.
  • Share drafts with the expert for feedback and revisions.
  • Maintain open and consistent communication throughout the process.

Measure Success

In 2022, Gallup reported that while the proportion of engaged workers remained steady at 32%, there was a troubling rise in the proportion of actively disengaged workers, climbing to 18%. In light of these findings, businesses need to assess the effectiveness of their online explainer videos. Businesses can also identify areas for improvement to maintain employee engagement levels by evaluating their impact and ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
You need to assess the impact of your online explainer videos to ensure they effectively convey messages, engage learners, and achieve learning objectives. By tracking metrics, it is easier to refine content to meet audience needs better and identify areas for improvement. When you measure success, you make informed decisions that will improve your ROI.
Consistency is key even in measuring the performance of your online explainer videos. By doing so, you maintain impactful and relevant explainer videos that align with organizational objectives. Here are some methods to measure the success of your explainer videos for internal training:
Engagement Metrics
  • Video Completion Rates. Track how many viewers watch the entire video to know the engagement levels.
  • Watch Time and Drop-off Rates. Analyze viewer attention span by monitoring how long they watch before dropping off.
  • Click-Through Rates. Measure viewer interaction with interactive elements like quizzes or clickable hotspots.
Learning Outcome Metrics
  • Pre- and Post-Training Assessments. Evaluate knowledge gain by comparing assessments before and after viewing the video.
  • Skills Demonstrations. Assess practical skill acquisition by including demonstrations followed by viewer performance assessments.
  • Surveys and Feedback. Gather insights into the learning experience and content clarity through viewer feedback surveys.
Business Impact Metrics
  • Task Performance Improvement. Track improvements in task-related metrics post-training to measure effectiveness.
  • Reduced Support Tickets. Monitor decreases in support tickets related to trained topics to learn if the knowledge transfer is successful.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction. Assess improvements in customer satisfaction metrics for customer-facing roles post-training.

Optimize Training Programs with Professional Explainer Video Production

Investing in online explainer videos can truly level up the effectiveness of your internal training programs. Whether you opt for a DIY approach or seek assistance from professionals, the goal remains the same — to ensure your employees receive high-quality training that drives your company’s success.
Make sure to follow the strategies outlined in this article to harness the power of online explainer videos. This is your sign to educate your workforce effectively using impactful online explainer videos so you can propel your business toward its fullest potential.

Author's bio

Imed Bouchrika is a Computer Science professor with a BSc and PhD from the University of Southampton, UK. He engages in global research projects and focuses on eLearning, image processing, and biometrics. Besides contributing to esteemed journals and conferences, Imed also actively participates in launching start-ups within the IT sector.

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