Crisis Communication Part 2 – How explainer videos help to communicate in crises
Communication is vital during times of crises. No one should be left in the dark as to what is expected of them. It is necessary to have a strategy in place to deal with all eventualities. However, to have books and files and folders full of emergency plans is no longer the best way to ensure that your organization is ready for an emergency. The necessary information and plans of action need to be far more accessible. What if you cannot access the information? Or, you simply do not have the time to go through pages and pages of protocol because immediate action is necessary? Maybe traditional communication methods are not available. Maybe team members are not able to attend a crisis meeting. It may be that employees cannot convene at the workplace! Or, maybe time is of the essence and there is insufficient time to devote to long explanations – explainer videos can cut to the chase!
Video provides an alternative solution to give that affected immediate access to the crisis plan. Mobiles are the first port of call for initial crisis communication and video can easily be used on these devices. Audiovisual input can convey information more rapidly and so results in more effective communication during crisis times. In addition, before crises strike the necessary video material can be prepared…
Be Prepared
A library of short explainer videos may allow an organization to react quickly and effectively in an emergency situation. Talk through possible crises that your organization may face and outline the actions to be taken if a crisis occurs. Then get ready to communicate the procedures with your people by means of explainer videos. By building a small online video library for this purpose your organization can simply retrieve the relevant video when needed. And so you will be in a better position and better equipped to handle the situation.
Ideas for your Video Library:
- Use video to send immediate requirements/responses to relevant parties in your organization. (This means that you need to contemplate what could possibly go wrong and then come up with the immediate steps to be taken, in advance.)
- Use video for remote training. In order to function optimally during crisis time, your staff may need additional training. Or, certain technical information needs to be communicated to them. Do this by means of video tutorials. (They may, for example, be required to use a different ICT platform.)
- Get video templates ready for the creation of short video updates. (As a crisis evolves videos can be used optimally to give updates of developments and to share notifications or changes in procedures to aid efficiency.)
- Make videos that give moral support and useful tips and advice during a crisis. For example, make use of video counseling if needed as part of the “care response” to a crisis.
- Make videos to put minds at ease. A short video that clarifies why calls are not answered or why orders are delayed can be prepared, ready to be placed on your website or even sent directly to customers to keep them informed. (Perhaps even include alternative arrangements for making sure that customers’ needs are met in the meantime.)
- Create news releases. In crises that mainly involve your organization, the news media may require information. Communication with news media by means of your own produced video material places you in a stronger position to control and manage the information communicated to the general public. Again, prepare video templates for these in advance.
- Make videos of lessons learned from previous crisis situations. Or, make videos of case studies to provide employees with examples of how others dealt with / overcame crises.
Times of crises may throw up confusion, changes, and altered procedures. In spite of these, an organization is still required to keep an eye on the ball and operate as efficiently and effectively as possible. No matter the type of crisis, effective communication is necessary for an organization to function optimally. It is important that those involved in your organization are equipped with the right information, at the right time. This will aid protection, maximize productivity, and ensure the best response and outcome. Make sure that your organization is ready to make use of explainer videos to communicate in crises. The more prepared you are the better. (Also see our Crisis Communication – Part 1 blog on “How explainer videos help to prepare for crisis”.)