Five employees having a dynamic team meeting.

Enhancing Project Based Learning with Video

Project based learning (PBL) can also be known as “learning by doing”. It is a teaching method that promotes student engagement through the investigation of complex questions. Learning takes place systematically as students investigate the area in which they have been challenged.


There is a big difference between “doing a project” and PBL. Doing a project may simply involve gathering information (from one or various sources) and reproducing that information in some other form. PBL may feature posters or essays, but the focus is more on the process of learning than on the end product, and the process is continually assessed. Students identify needs and find real solutions to real problems in PBL. While on this journey, they gain knowledge and also develop certain skills that are essential in the real world.

For example, students may be made aware of an issue that affects their environment. As they embark on a project based learning journey, this awareness may be taken further as students are guided to find a solution to the problem.


Using Video in Project Based Learning

Video is a great medium when it comes to PBL. It can be utilized effectively right from the start of the journey, up to the end of it.

  1. As an introduction to the PBL topic, a video may be shown to raise awareness.
  2. Once the project is in full swing, students may make use of video creation to give feedback and familiarize each other with certain aspects of their enquiry.
  3. As new questions arise, video may be used to do research on certain aspects of the quest.
  4. Finally, the creation of a short informative video may form part of the public presentation and indeed be the final product of the PBL journey.

If students really want to impress their audience, the incorporation of videos into their public presentations is essential. For optimal delivery, any presentation needs to share information in words, pictures and video. When audience members are exposed to multi-sensory environments, they will recall the information presented more accurately. This is because the brain is allowed to build two mental representations of an explanation, a verbal model and a visual model. Consequently, connections are that much stronger.

Video does not replace presentation, but enhances it. Audience members do not have long attention spans. So, videos that are 30-60 seconds long are ideal. mysimpleshow is ideal for creating short concise videos that quickly gets to the point and captivates audience attention. It adds that vital multi-sensory element to a presentation, breaks up the content, and thereby keeps people interested.

Using videos in project based learning not only results in deeper understanding, but also builds skills that are essential in real life: critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, creative skills, communication skills, speaking skills, and presentation skills, just to mention a few 😉