
Learn with the explanation experts: New e-learning format at simpleshow

Lifelong learning doesn’t stop at the digital world. On the contrary, e-learning is a rising trend. Market studies have shown that the use of web-based learning tools and online courses has been making a permanent mark on the education and training industry, with global growth worldwide at a staggering 23% per year.

A study conducted by simpleshow confirms this massive trend. Awareness of e-learning is on the rise. By now a third of Germans have some experience with e-learning. In the United States, it’s almost half the population. In the business world, more than 80% of employees already use e-learning services.

Unfortunately, many current e-learning courses fall short when it comes to quality. Websites like Udemy, Fedora and Coursera are crawling with self-proclaimed trainers and experts who frequently offer poorly thought-out learning content of dubious quality. There are plenty of fantastic topics and worthwhile learning methods out there – but the majority of available courses still consist of repetitive videos or tutorials without an overriding structure or much underlying educational expertise. Users’ satisfaction rates reflect that. In the United States – currently the world’s largest e-learning market – a mere 29% of users are satisfied with how e-learning courses are put together. In German-speaking Europe, the satisfaction rate is also considerably below 50%.

We make it better – with simpleshow learning!
For seven years and counting, simpleshow has been all about simple explanations. With our experience from several thousand videos and our immense explanatory know-how, we are now creating e-learning courses as well. In the new courses, we present even the most complex of subjects sympathetically and accessibly. To do so, we draw on our scientifically grounded explanatory method, incorporate talks by experts, and use innovative learning tools that keep users entertained and ensure quick and lasting learning success. And thanks to appealing storytelling, the experience is enjoyable, too!

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Our study shows that a good mixture of images, video sequences and text is responsible, first and foremost, for e-learners satisfaction. And that’s why we at simpleshow learning bring together a number of learning tools. Expert talks alternate with our tried-and-tested simpleshow videos, which explain and contextualize sub-topics. Checklists and helpful flash cards help users to retain and apply what they have learned. In quizzes, users can also demonstrate their new knowledge right away.

With entertaining and varied learning elements, we make boredom a thing of the past. After all, a high fun factor translates into massive motivation.
In our first course, “How to find an investor for your business idea,” we demystify what it takes to find a venture capitalist who will fund your brilliant proposition. But see for yourself and be amazed by our very first simpleshow learning course!

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