simpleshow bug bounty program

simpleshow offers bounties for security related bugs found within the domain. Either on the website or on the application on &

Any security related bugs can be reported here. Every report will be verified by the security team. Upon verification, it will be assessed in terms of criticality and probability based on which a bug bounty will be awarded.
bug in a computer


  • ✔ Bug was reported to
  • ✔ Bug could be verified
  • ✔ Bug is not already known
  • ✔ Bug has not been reported previously
  • ✔ Bug is assessed as a security risk
When these conditions are met, your report will be answered within the next three business days. If applicable, you will be offered a corresponding bug bounty. You will also receive the ticket number under which the bug is being tracked. Please use this number in further correspondence and in the invoice.
The bounty is between 15 – 100€ depending on assessment, payable via SEPA wire transfer or PayPal. In order to claim the offered bounty, upload an invoice to the ticket.
A sample invoice can be downloaded here.