Explainer video maker

Create your simpleshow explainer video in minutes

Easy. Fast. And like a pro!

Do you need a professional explainer video? Click here to learn more about 
the market leader for professional explainer video production.

Explainer videos rule.
And now, creating them is a piece of cake!

simpleshow has created explainer videos for corporate customers for years. With simpleshow video maker, we have used all our experience and developed a simple online tool that empowers anyone to make professional videos.

Simply for YOU!


If you aim to promote your product or service, train your employees, or need to motivate your team, a simpleshow explainer video will help you shine. You can use it for training, change management, or any form of corporate communication.


Teach the world. Use simpleshow video maker in the classroom with your students or contribute to open educational resources. Introduce, summarize, and explain topics worth sharing.


Spice up your blog, build a crowdfunding video, or get your dream job with a video resume. Go ahead and have fun with it. As of now there are no limits for using a great explainer video.

Our happy customers

Why you need an explainer video

A great explainer video can have a huge impact. It allows you to reach your audience and get your message across in a simple and engaging way. It doesn't matter if you need to communicate in a professional environment, teach your students, or promote important issues that you feel very strongly about. With the power of simplicity, storytelling, and images that stay in mind, your message will get heard!

Explainer videos
have a proven
learning effect.

Explainer videos
are fun.

Explainer videos
stay in mind.

Explainer videos
ease complexity.

Explainer videos
say more than just words.

Check out some of the clips
created with

Introduce your company

Explain a historical event

Present your resume

Explain your vision and strategy

Communicate a corporate change

Explain your business idea

What limits the size of a population

The preparation of East Friesian tea

How students can use Social Media

How do writers get ideas

Accepting Constructive Criticism or a Consequence

How to write a learning log

Case Studies

Lern.Hand.Werk tests out mysimpleshow

Jan Ullmann and his team found mysimpleshow to be extremely effective for a variety of reasons.

Learn more

Pitching a Business Strategy

A business seminar presentation enhanced with mysimpleshow turned out to be a great success.

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