A group of cheering employees in front of a dark orange background next to a had holding a trophy.

Innovation winner simpleshow

simpleshow is one of the most innovative companies – as is confirmed by the Top 100 Innovation Award. We are honoured and would like to use this opportunity to give you an insight to the various units within our company. On our journey to a world where great explanation is available to everyone, we strive for innovation and continuous improvement in many different areas.

Together with our mentor Ranga Yogeshwar, TOP 100 will select the most innovative companies in the German SME sector.


Between Explanation Experts

In the conceptual department, the creative core of simpleshow, innovation is our day-to-day business. Because each new topic, brought to us by our clients, inspires the creative minds of our concept developers to adopt pioneering new approaches – whether in pictures, in story, in structure, in the narrative perspective, the language, or in the degree of abstraction.

Although simpleshows are characterized by their simplicity, there are many complex considerations and sophisticated simplification processes behind them. And that’s exactly what’s needed! Because after all, every new combination of topic and target group requires its own approach and orientation. Whoever relies on well-used formulas and reheats the same approaches again and again, might easily miss the “explanation goal”.

While our concept developers are trained to rely on tried-and-tested, scientifically-proven methods, they always strive to approach each new topic freshly and freely. Therefore, they constantly question their approach during all phases of the production of a simpleshow: from the preparation for the briefing discussion, through the discussion itself, the follow-up, the text concept, the storyboard and finally the final production, animation, and post production.


Four eyes see more than two

This isn’t always easy. Fortunately, however, our concept developers are not alone in this task. Their project management colleagues actively accompany the process and support the projects in terms of content. A team of two from conception and project management guarantees that every deliverable is checked according to the four-eyes principle: In each step, the explanation experts look again at the details and ask themselves: have we really already found the freshest and most useful form for the explanation objective? Where is it more rewarding to deviate from established patterns?

This two-way developmental dialogue ensures the optimal form for the simpleshow is found and maintained.

Innovative across department boundaries

Of course, creativity and continuous development plays a major role in other departments, too. For example, we regularly expand our catalogue illustration styles. The latest addition to our portfolio: The new Style that’s called sharp style – a fresh drawing style in a flat design, which enables zooms and journeys, without pixelation, through the use of vector graphics – ideal for lively and dynamic animations.


In the mood for motion?

This style innovation is the result of changes in our customers’ viewing habits. It was time for a new format that would be in-line with the new developments that regularly spring from the creative minds of our art directors. The requirement: a format for all explanatory needs that is emotional, dynamic and colourful. 


The new format should retain the reliable and scientifically proven strengths of a simple show, i.e. to explain, clearly, concisely and above all… simply! Only when we had achieved all this could we proudly say: the simpleshow motion has arrived!


But the innovation never stops at simpleshow. Our latest creation follows the simpleshow motion already on its feet: the simpleshow mood. More about this soon…




Innovate, to stay on the ball! 

In the other departments of simpleshow, innovation is also the fuel that keeps the engine running. The simpleshow interactive, for example, responds creatively and imaginatively to the requirements of new learning, which enables our customers to benefit from state-of-the-art eLearning. And our in-house tech department regularly provides innovative surprises with the continuous development of the DIY tool simpleshow video maker.