Communicating with clients through videos

In today’s world of technology people from across the world may potentially be your clients – no longer is it merely the people in your immediate surroundings! Video allows you to still communicate “face to face” with a large global client base. Moreover, video provides a low-cost, yet highly effective, way for communicating with clients. Compelling videos keep clients engaged, enhance client communication, and further regular communication. So, how does one approach the creation of videos for client communication purposes?


In order to communicate effectively with clients through video, the material needs to be concise – keep it short and to the point. Moreover, the videos need to be made with fore-thought and purpose. Let’s explore this further.


Step 1

First of all, decide what needs to be communicated to clients. Do you need to explain product use, make special offers, share testimonials, answer questions, or do you simply wish to keep contact with a valued client? Also, consider what your clients may need, or what they may like to know, or what will interest or benefit them.

If video communication with clients is a new field to you, start by considering what you currently communicate to clients and think how this can be done using video. Written or verbal forms of communication can to be converted into video format. So, consider all forms of current communication for translation into video material that can be shared with clients.

However, avoid sharing non-relevant information in your video communication – do not waste your clients’ time! Therefore make sure that you carefully select the most appropriate information that you want to convey when communicating with clients.

Step 2

Next, put the selected written or verbal forms of communication into video format. Decide on a video strategy to execute the communication. In other words, think of an appropriate style that will convey best what you want to communicate by devising ways of creating short videos that clearly communicate the relevant information. You may need to make an explainer video with animation, or do a video interview, or talk directly to the camera, or make a short dramatisation, or make a demo-video, etc. (Video communication is exciting and does not need to be expensive. You can create video material quickly and easily by using existing images combined with key words, or use a video creation tool like mysimpleshow.)

Whatever you choose, it is paramount to stay concise when utilizing video. By keeping the content brief it will be most effective. In order to communicate clearly and effectively, stick to one idea per video. Decide what your aim is for a particular communication video: is it about a sale, or are you introducing a new product, or do you want to share a testimonial… Then, be short and to the point to ensure that viewers are watching your video content till the end.


Step 3

Finally, make sure that your clients see the communication videos! How? By choosing the right communication channel to reach your client and to deliver the video in a way that ensures the client engages with it. Communication channels include direct emails, social media, public sites (like YouTube), your own website, etc. For example, you can communicate with clients via email, using videos that are so inviting that clients are curious to watch them. Also, consider communicating with clients by putting videos on your landing page. Keep the client’s attention with an intriguing video that has a clear purpose and perhaps even include a call-to-action.


Remember that short message videos can also be sent to clients’ mobiles. Make these very short and use them as informative clips, short reminders, or as special offer announcements. Or, send an encouraging message, or a useful tip, that you wish to share with specially-valued clients.

In addition, do not overlook the use of video in face-to-face interaction with clients. You can make use of videos when meeting clients – to simplify ideas or to explain concepts or proposals. Or, show a video as a talking point. In this way you can communicate with individual clients in meetings, or with groups of clients at larger events (like workshops, seminars and conferences). Ensure that these videos are visually interesting and captivating.

Just like you would not dream of making your verbal communication with clients tedious, nor creating dull written communication, video communication needs to be executed in such a way that it keeps the clients’ attention. Stay relevant when you’re communicating with clients. Moreover, get the balance right. Do not bombard clients with videos… At the same time, make sure that you do not lose contact. Carefully planned content, an appropriate video style for your message, and a carefully selected channel, all work together to significantly improve communication with clients and strengthen your relationship with them.

Next time we will explore specific ways in which videos can be used to communicate with clients!