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7 Great Health Topics for Explainer Videos


Topics for explainer videos are infinite! There is so much to explain about the world we live in – like history, science, and unusual topics. Let’s consider a few wellbeing issues, a few serious subjects and a few interesting questions that will be great health topics for explainer videos.

7 Great Health Topics for Explainer Videos


Stress is the body’s natural defense system. In a stressful situation you may not even be aware that your body releases hormones to help you to evade or confront the “danger”. These stress hormones trigger an increased heart rate, sweating, heightened muscle preparedness, and alertness. This enables your body to face the challenge. Once you have dealt with the pressures or threats, hormone levels usually return to normal. However, if a person feels unable to cope and the challenge has taken over, they are constantly under stress – the stress hormones remain at elevated levels in the body. This can negatively affect everything a person does. It may result in tiredness, moodiness, lack of concentration, and even illness. So, why not make an explainer video so that we can all recognize the signs and symptoms of stress, and learn how to manage stress more effectively?


We spend about a third of our lives asleep. Sleep is essential. Because tiredness and Fatigue takes a toll on your physical, mental, or emotional health. Sleep does not only help us recover from physical exertion, but also from mental exertion. When we sleep the mind and body do not shut down. On the contrary, sleep is an active period in which vital processing, restoration, and strengthening take place. During the day our brains take in an incredible amount of information. During the night this information (facts and experiences) needs to be processed and stored. The body also needs sleep in order to restore and rejuvenate itself. The body grows muscle, repairs tissue, and synthesizes hormones while we sleep. How great it would be to explain how we need sleep for optimal health and wellbeing in a short explainer video?



Depression is shrouded in many misconceptions. There is a stigma around depression and antidepressants. But depression is much more that just sadness or “being down”. It is a complex mental health disorder. Depression is a medical condition in which the brain chemistry, function, and structure are negatively affected. You cannot just snap out of it, nor can it be cured with positive thoughts or a change in attitude. It is, in fact, not even necessarily caused by a negative incident. Suddenly and inexplicably, even when life seems to be going well, a person with depression may feel sad, hopeless, and lethargic.

Fortunately, this can be treated successfully with medication, psychotherapy and/or lifestyle changes. Not too long ago the prevailing opinion was that positive thinking is needed to overcome depression, but antidepressants address deep-rooted biological issues that are at the root of this illness. This is a mysterious medical condition and indeed an excellent topic for an explainer video!


Heart life line.

Someone with malaria typically suffers from fever, tiredness, vomiting, and headaches. In severe cases it can lead to seizures, coma, or death. Who would have thought that a tiny insect can be so dangerous! Symptoms usually begin ten to fifteen days after being bitten by an infected female mosquito. The mosquito bite introduces parasites from the mosquito’s saliva into a person’s blood. The parasites travel to the liver where they mature and reproduce. Of course the body does not like this and fights back, sometimes successfully, but usually it needs a little help. This comes in the form of anti-malarial medication… There is so much more to explain about malaria: mosquito repellents, prevention medications, increasing drug resistance, efforts to develop malaria vaccines…you thought you knew it all, but malaria seriously needs an explainer video to shed light more on the disease.


Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

Infants and young children that grow up without psychological nurturance from adult caregivers develop RAD. They may excessively try to receive comfort and affection from any available adult, even from strangers. Others may show an extreme reluctance to initiate or accept comfort and affection, even from familiar adults. RAD develops in neglectful and abusive circumstances in infancy. This is because growing up in overcrowded “unloving” orphanage-like conditions can have lasting impacts on the brain. Research found remarkable differences in the brain composition of children who spent their baby years in harsh institutions versus those who were fostered out to caring loving homes. An explainer video can examine this “sensitive period” for social development in the brain.

Healthy Food

Eating healthy has positive benefits for the body and mind. Make sure that what you eat truly nourishes your body with the necessary nutrients. A good starting point may be to eat plenty of foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Think of foods like spinach, beetroot, avocado, raspberries, eggs, garlic, walnuts…there are just so many and they all have a variety of benefits. (Take beetroot for example: it is good for the brain; helps lower blood pressure, and it is filled with folate, magnesium and vitamin C.) Healthy foods give your body what it needs to keep functioning at its best. There is just so much to explain about healthy eating! This seriously needs an explainer video that reveals how healthy eating aids good health.

Drink Water!

Water makes up approximately 60% of our body weight and is vital for nearly every function in the body. An explainer video can disclose how proper hydration can reduce fatigue, improve endurance, lower your maximum heart rate, and much, much more. It can even help you to be less sore after exercise. People who are on diets lose more weight when they also increase their water intake. Moreover, people who drink more water also tend to have better moods! In addition, those who drink plenty of water have improved cognitive performance.

Water also plays a vital role in disease prevention. There is so much to explain about the importance of drinking water!