Video marketing strategies for the 50+ demographic

Written by Emma Lee | 14th June 2024
people in front of playbutton
Why do marketers need to consider consumers over the age of 50, and how can video marketing strategies tap into their purchasing power?
The millennial generation has received significant attention from the marketing industry. However, while they constitute a large portion of the population, businesses must realize the economic power and influence of the 50+ demographic.
Consumers over 50 don’t only have more money than younger generations, they also have more leisure time and fewer brands vying for their attention. Unfortunately, most brands overlook them in their media and marketing efforts. So, if you haven’t actively targeted this group yet, it’s time to tap into their potential and rethink your strategy.
Video marketing strategies are one of the best ways to engage with this demographic. Before delving into that, let’s explore the unique characteristics of the 50+ consumers.

Unique Characteristics of Consumers Over the Age of 50

Currently, this demographic group represents 123.2 million individuals in the US, making them an excellent target market.
Approximately 64 percent of American advertising, marketing, and public relations workers are under 45. Unsurprisingly, the marketing industry needs a better track record of connecting with consumers over 50.
Just because many marketing proessionals are not over age 50 themselves, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be knowledgable about this potential target. A good marketer knows how to target all age groups, and it’s time to stop treating over 50 consumers as an afterthought.
For starters, learn what differentiates consumers over age 50 from the younger generations. The over-50 market is composed mainly of baby boomers, ranging in ages from 57 to 75. Although they are nearing or past retirement age, they remain active consumers.
Like other generations, the consumer traits of this group are heavily shaped by their upbringing and socioeconomic conditions. Moreover, they tend to exhibit the following distinctive values and traits in their consumer behaviors:
  • Prefer purchasing products in physical stores rather than online
  • Value experiences over material things and prefer to spend their money on intangible purchases that enrich their lives
  • Prefer quality interactions with brands and their staff, whether online or in-person
  • Invest more money in health supplements and other products that improve overall health
  • Prioritize convenience and simplicity in their shopping experience
  • Trust recommendations and reviews when deciding on purchases

Understanding the Power of Video Marketing Strategies

Video marketing strategies can stir emotions and create shared experiences that resonate with every age group. This ability to foster human connection in all ages provides an excellent opportunity to capture the attention of the 50+ demographic.
Videos offer different ways to convey emotions that all age groups can understand. They enable marketers to feature activities viewers over 50 can enjoy and connect with. Compared to other content formats, videos retain viewer engagement across various marketing channels for extended periods.
Remember, consumers over 50 are discerning shoppers. That means they prioritize quality and invest time in researching products before purchasing. Videos are a great way to feature a product or service and provide information about its benefits.
Additionally, the rise of smartphone technology has made watching videos more accessible and convenient. For instance, organizations like AARP have embraced video marketing as part of their digital strategies to help their members navigate life changes and stages.
Videos allow Consumer Cellular, one of AARP’s trusted providers, to create informative and easy-to-understand content that explains their offerings, such as the AARP cell phone plan. Because of targeted video marketing, they can easily cater to the needs and preferences of this age group.
Undoubtedly, video marketing is gaining popularity among marketers as consumers seek more interactive content. Since consumers over 50 are far more hesitant to purchase products or services on a whim, videos are powerful tools to help them make informed decisions.
hitting a bullseye

4 Video Marketing Strategies for the 50+ Demographic

Understanding who your target audience is and what they care about is the first step to effective video marketing. Now that you know the characteristics of consumers over 50, you can create video content tailored to their needs and interests.
However, to truly connect, you must take the time to delve into their pain points and values. As a starting point, consider the following video marketing strategies when crafting engaging content for this age group:

1. Share stories they can relate to

Consumers over 50 pursue experiences with lasting value. Sharing stories they can relate to or resonate with their lifestyles is a good idea for your video marketing strategies.
Suppose you want to connect with them deeper on a personal level. Consider using actors of the same age and scenes reflecting their lives, and avoid age stereotypes in the content.
The 50+ demographic values their vitality and wouldn’t want something categorized as old. Create video content that represents their desire for youthfulness.

2. Provide practical and valuable information

Consumers over 50 take their time when making purchasing decisions. You can leverage video testimonials to provide practical and valuable information, making decision-making easier for them. It’s an excellent way to build trust and confidence in your product or service.
Remember, this demographic values are detailed and descriptive content. When creating video content for them, emphasize how your product or service benefits them. This consumer group wants to understand the the advantages of the purchase they are making.

3. Use the language they understand

Although this the people in this demographic are avid content consumers, they appreciate easy-to-understand materials. Use language they understand when creating video content for them. Avoid using slang or abbreviations that might be unfamiliar.

4. Make your videos more accessible

Many consumers over 50 wear glasses and have difficulty viewing small text. Ensure that you make your video content more accessible by taking the following proactive steps:
  • Use appropriate button sizes for simple interaction
  • Utilize dark typography in light backgrounds for maximum readability
  • Provide clear instructions and clickable links for easy navigation
  • Offers a complete description of the video content
  • Employ slower video formats that simplify concepts in detail.
simpleshow video maker is an excellent tool you can use to transform your marketing idea into a story that captivates consumers over 50.
You can make animated and engaging videos with a simple button click. Whether you need to incorporate interactive elements, customized graphics, or a professional voice-over, simpleshow video maker can help convey your marketing message effectively.

Leverage Video Marketing Strategies

Consumers over 50 vary widely in personalities and life experiences. Regardless, this demographic is ready to engage in marketing materials that target them.
This group’s motivations and decision-making processes may differ from those of younger consumers. However, they can become your lifelong customers once you win them over. Remember, this demographic wants to feel young and vibrant.
Avoid content discriminating against age or labeling them as old. Now that you recognize the power of videos to attract all age groups and connect on a human level—leverage video marketing strategies to create content that reflects the values and preferences of 50+ consumers.

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